St Columba’s Church Renfrew Parish Council Meeting Monday 22nd June 2020
Harry Tunstead, Kevin Milliken, Father John, Carol Salisbury, Geraldine Shiels, Mary Brown, Sister Anne, Eileen Blake, Michael Rooney, Gerry McWatt, Josie Beacham, John Beacham
Apologies – Anne Stevenson, Mary McAllister, Siobhan Lamont, Patricia Sweeney
Matters Arising
PPE/ Sanitising – all in St James church to be uplifted and taken to St Columba’s
One way system in church
Hand sanitisers stations
Maximum 32 people in church at one time to pray
maximum capacity of 55 in church
Maximum 42 in the hall
Windows between church and hall will need to be removed in order for those to see altar
4 Stewards required at church – minimum 3
Church doors remain open during private prayer
Parishioners should bring their own PPE however if they don’t have any church can provide
No parishioner is to sit on a seat someone has sat on
Harry will do a video on entrance of the church
Training Saturday – Eileen will carry out this training in both St James Church and St Columba’s for the volunteers.
Sound system in hall and windows removed in hall – Gerry will organise windows to be removed and also there is a setting for the sound system to be used in the hall. Parish Council agreed that windows can be removed as soon as possible.
Sound system will be tested in the hall to ensure that it works for when mass is allowed to resume.
Volunteers – volunteers for the church and for a rota to be developed – groups of 4
St Columba’s open - open on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 10 – 11 weekdays and 12 – 1pm on a Sunday.
Church Cleaning – if those who cleaned the church before lockdown are happy to do the normal clean of the church
Date of next Meeting – 20th July 2020 – 7.30pm